
Thanks for stopping by. Good to see you.

I am Ashish. I am an analyst turned Entrepreneur. I live in Mumbai. I have an interest in stuff related to data. That is what got me into data visualization.

I come from a background in literature and have been working with data for roughly a decade now. Still what really gets me excited is that there is so much we can still do. So many things to explore and learn. And then come back and apply to things around us.

For example, back in 2014 I was working at GSK in New Delhi, I discovered Tableau. It got me instantly hooked. I got me hooked so bad that later in 2017 I left my job at Boston Consulting Group to start ScatterPie Analytics, a data visualization startup and ever since been working on that. Truth be told, I 💚it.

Winters in New Delhi, 2018


I mean why not? I came from the kind of background where we studied about stuff wrote in 16th century. 18th Century. As farther from technology as it could get. And when I started my journey with data analytics - which was year 2010 while I was still in collage - I had to learn everything on my own. There are a couple of people who supported and taught me during that time but end of the day I had to figure most of the stuff on my own. I had to figure things out really brute-force way. To anyone out there, who is trying to do something of that kind, you don’t have to alone. I wanna share all I have gone through these years to shape my career and mentor others. And that is why DoingData.


There are a lot of things that inspire me. Nature in particular inspires me. I makes me want to do creative things. Things like converting abstract numbers into visual form. There are movies like October Sky and Whiplash. I just love those movies. Whenever I watch them, something happens to me. They make me what to keep going. I watched the first episode of documentary Inside Bill’s Mind today - that is 21 September, 2019. It inspired me to my core. I just sat there thinking about it after I was done watching. Travel is another thing which fill me with joy and inspires me. If you look closely to the world around you, you will find so many things which will inspire you.

Can you be my mentor?

Sure, I would love to. I am starting a mentoring program in November, 2019. I will provide a link here soon. TBH, I am really excited for this.


There you go ✉️

Thank you. Hoping to see you around. And do not forget to invite me for a cup of coffee whenever you are in Mumbai 😝

~ Ashish